Channels: Add

  • Last updated on July 12, 2023 at 10:29 AM

Once you have created a custom feed within your platform, you will then be able to create your custom channels.

Step One

Open the custom feed by navigating to the Comms area of the platform in administration mode and select the CUSTOM FEEDS tab.

šŸš€ If you are using our new menu feature, hover over the Comms section of the side-bar, then navigate to:

Configuration āž”ļø Custom Feeds

Select the Custom Feeds title and proceed with step two.
Step Two

Select the name of the custom feed from the list. This will open the feed's details page.

Step Three

Under the CHANNELS IN CUTOM FEED section, select the plus button. This will open the ADD CHANNEL pull-out drawer to the right-hand side of your screen.

Step Four

Specify a title and tag for the channel - this will be visible to your platform users when they open the custom feed the channel sits within.

Step Five

You'll then have some options that allow you to customise the channel.

Turning this on allows any user who is a member of the channel to add a post.
Turning this on allows users to choose if they wish to subscribe to the channel. Before subscribing, they won't be able to see any content in this channel, nor will they receive any notifications when a post is made.

Turning this on means that any post made by the users will first need to be approved by selected personnel. Once you turn this setting on, you can then add the users who will authorise the posts made on that channel. You can add as many approvers as you like, all whom will receive a notification when a post is made.
Turning this on means that users will be able to assign peer to peer awards to other users that will be automatically posted on this channel. Refer our Award Channel guidance for specific guidance.
Turning this on essentially makes the channel "live" and allows end users to see it in the feed.

Step Six

You can associate the channel with an icon by uploading a photo.

Step Seven

Switch on the toggles within the NOTIFICATION SETTINGS area to control which type of notifications a user will receive when a post is made to that channel.

Step Eight

If you don't choose the channel to be a "subscriber channel" you can control who has visibility of the channel by using the channel audience settings. Choose everyone, or select "I'll choose" to select individuals, teams, departments or sites instead.

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